Sorted is New Zealand's most trusted online source for free independent and impartial money guidance. As a free service provided by the government-funded agency Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission, Sorted is dedicated to helping Kiwis to thrive financially.
Sorted have partnered with us since 2018 to serve up high-quality, accessible online financial resources. Recently they approached us to update their online platform - upgrading it to Silverstripe 4 and building in Hubspot integration for CRM.
Using the existing colour palette for Sorted, we were tasked with developing a range of icons and infographics for the website.
Financial matters can be stressful for some people, so we made sure the graphics were all upbeat and unintimidating. This supports the friendly, helpful, and approachable feel of the website.
The Sorted website brings together a wealth of financial information and tools. We needed to ensure that users wouldn't be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content on the site. Our solution: user journeys which make it possible for users to see tailored content based on their specific interests.
Powered by Hubspot CRM integration and supported by AWS for cutting-edge security, the website allows users to create a personalised dashboard, save useful tools, and track their progress towards their personal financial goals.
Dynamic and engaging interactive tools, which look and work beautifully on any device, make it easy and enjoyable for users to elevate their financial literacy and support smart financial decision-making.
This includes tools such as debt, savings, and mortgage calculators, an investor profiler, budgeting tools, and much more.
Ensuring the tools and content were available to users on any device they use, was not an overthought - it was central to the planning, design, and development of the website.
Building the website using the Silverstripe framework, we helped to ensure an optimal user experience, regardless of their device's screen size.